Nalini Singh: Caressed by Ice (2007)


Nalini Singh explores new heights of sensuality, returning to the world of the Psy - where two people who know evil intimately must unlock the good within their icy hearts...


As an Arrow, an elite soldier in the Psy Council ranks, Judd Lauren was forced to do terrible things in the name of his people. Now he is a defector, and his dark abilities have made him the most deadly of assasins - cold, pitiless, unfeeling. Until he meets Brenna...


Brenna Shane Kincaid was an innocent before she was abducted - and had her mind violated - by a serial killer. Her sense of evil runs so deep, she fears she could become a killer herself. Then the first dead body is found, victim of a familiar madness. Judd is her only hope, yeat her sensual changeling side rebels against the inhuman chill of his personality, even as desire explodes between them. Shocking and raw, their passion is a danger that threatens not only their hearts, but their very lives...


Täydellinen kirja. Siinä se lyhyesti ja ytimekkäästi. Psy-changeling-maailma on ainutlaatuinen sekoitus kylmää loogisuutta ja kuumaa tunnetta, jota on vaikea pukea sanoiksi. Harvoin liikutun kyyneliin lukiessani eroottista kohtausta. Nyt niin tapahtui. Nalini Singhillä on kirjoittamisen lahja ja hänen hahmonsa ovat käsinkosketettavan aitoja. Judd nousee unohtumattomien sankareiden joukkoon. Hänen lojaalisuutensa, kunniansa ja kipunsa hänen taistellessaan sisäistä vihollistaan vastaan on jotain aivan käsittämättömän hienoa ja koskettavaa. Hän todellakin ansaitsee Brennan kaltaisen vahvan naisen rakkauden. Olen aivan sanaton heidän rakkautensa edessä. Jatkan hetimiten sarjan seuraavaan kirjaan, Mine to Possess.